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David Copperfield's Day With Aiden

Luke Dancy

With so much negativity and uncertainty in the world I thought it was only fitting to wrap up another week with something special. In the clip below David Copperfield gives a terminally ill child the surprise of their young life by sharing his time and a touch of magic. Even with all of his struggles the happiness pouring out of Aiden is contagious and such a gentle reminder that maybe some of our own problems  really aren't that important after-all. 

Life is short but sweet my friends. Seeing things like this really puts our own lives into perspective and reminds us how blessed we are with our health, our families and with each other. Keep the magic and love alive..

"In February, I was fortunate to meet a young man named Aiden Davis. Just 10 years old - but his strength, courage, and positive spirit inspired me more than I can begin to say. Through illness, through treatment after treatment, Aiden stayed strong and motivated thousands of people around the world, myself especially. Today, the world lost an incredible young man, and I'll never forget him."

-David Copperfield, 07/25/2015


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