Member Spotlight: Kevin Laurencelle

Luke Dancy

Member Spotlight: Kevin Laurencelle

Kevin 'Lee' known around these parts is a musician and magician from the Raleigh, NC area. Kevin is a true fan of 'all' things magic but lately he's really been going all in on coin magic. Seeing his progression over the last year+ in the All Things Magic Lounge has been impressive to say the least.

Kevin's determination and love for magic shows not just in his work but in the conversations he has about the art. It was also great to have a chance to spend some time with him at this year's SAM Convention.

Living in the Raleigh area has him surrounded by magic giants like Joel Givens and Dan Harlan so you know he's in good company. Keep an eye out for Kevin, I'm sure he'll be a name that we'll be hearing about more and more as the years go on.

We're hoping he decides to pull the trigger and join us in Las Vegas for Magic Live so maybe you can help me convince him in the comments below 😉

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  • Ryan Beyer on

    Couldn’t have picked someone more deserving! Awesome magician and great friend.! Congratulations brother.

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