52 Stunner by Juan Capilla
"The perfect opener - funny, engaging and powerful. With 52 Stunner, Juan has captured all the impact of the classic Mind Power Deck, but done with a normal pack of cards! I will definitely be using this." - David Jonathan
Start a stunning piece of mentalism with cards as a joke, but finish with their jaw on the floor in one of the fairest pieces of mental magic you will ever perform with a deck of cards. You may have seen the 52-On-1 gimmick before, but this time it’s been transformed into one of the most hard-hitting Thought-Of Card effects you can perform.
52 Stunner uses a specially printed 52-On-1 gimmick that allows you to perform this mind-reading miracle with 100% accuracy. All you have to do is add this specially printed card to your deck, and you are ready to perform. There is only one sleight involved, which allows you to focus on the performance and leave your audiences with the impression that you are really reading their mind.