Apex Wallet by Thomas Sealey
The Apex Wallet does it all... in true style.
The modern minimalist, hand-made crazy-horse leather Apex Wallet also functions perfectly as an everyday carry.
• Signed card to zippered compartment
• Card to sealed envelope
• Ring or coin to sealed envelope in zippered compartment
• Business card and playing card peek
As a bonus, the large switching section is so big and spacious it can be used as a brilliant one way forcing bag to switch your audience's billets for your own - in plain sight - with no funny moves whatsoever. Having two switcher compartments gives further possibilities of discreet switches and 2 or 4-way out options.
What's included...
• Handmade leather wallet in black or tan brown
• 2 x card-to-wallet loading slides
• Ring / coin / small object loader
• Sample envelopes