My Sh*t List by Diamond Jim Tyler
"Looking for the PERFECT way to mess with those less than nice spectators? Well this is just the answer you are looking for. You can thank me later!" -Luke Dancy
The cover is made of a fluorescent yellow durable material. The inside is filled with twelve blank pages to collect people's or heckler's names. The booklet measures 3.5" tall and 2.5" wide to fit easily into a shirt pocket. This is something that I use often.
We all have a sh*t list in our heads of people who we know to avoid or those who have wronged us. I don't recommend that anyone should make an actual sh*t list. Forgiveness is healing. However, I'm an entertainer, a magician who uses comedy to create wonder, surprise, and laughter. For whatever reason seeing such a bold phrase on a tiny book is a funny thing. This is a great gag that never fails to get laughs.