Member Spotlight:
Going forward I'll start highlighting one of our amazing ATM members each week..let's kick it off in style with Ariel!
Ariel Frailich
Going forward I'll start highlighting one of our amazing ATM members each week..let's kick it off in style with Ariel!
Ariel Frailich is an old friend from pre-social media days who I've been happy to reconnect with after all these years thanks to the internet and all of its glory.
He's a wealth of knowledge and is always happy to share a story about one of his many adventures in magic. He's also going head to head with
for the most impressive magic library in the All Things Magic group. Stop by our live chat room, The Lounge, one night to see his collection for yourself!
Van McGee
for the most impressive magic library in the All Things Magic group. Stop by our live chat room, The Lounge, one night to see his collection for yourself!
Since he started his company I Saw That!, he spends most of his time writing and publishing magic books and, occasionally, devising a trick. He also lectures once in a while as well.
Do yourself a favor and head over to his website https://isawthat.com/ and take a look around. His magic, and storytelling, is well worth a look by all magicians!